Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Got Baby?

Verbatim copy of mass spam:
Greetings all!

For my 29th birthday (26 November 2007), at precisely 6:56 P.M., Natalie gave me a 21 inch, 8 lb 12 oz healthy baby boy named William James Mortensen, delivered in Syracuse, NY. We are so excited to have him come to live with us. Calvin was very interested in the baby and was amazed to see him open his eyes. Now comes the "learning how to be gentle" part.

Both Mother and Baby are doing well and should be coming home from the Hospital soon.

Pictures are at kmort.smugmug.com http://kmort.smugmug.com/gallery/3901373#226282515 if the link doesn't work
More (and better) pictures should be posted later Wednesday night.

With only 16 months between them, we look forward to Calvin and Will being the best of friends.

Thanks for letting me brag!

Karl, Natalie, and Calvin Mortensen

p.s. I have twice as many kids as I did yesterday. :-o

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Syracuse Roadshow

For those fortunate enough to drive all around Syracuse with us, here is a link to a map showing where we were. Take a look at the lake one.

MAP (click here! You know you want to)

We had a fun thanksgiving with J.D. & Tanya, Mike & Caralee, and all the kids. And still no baby yet. :-0

Saturday, November 24, 2007

Mills, Hodson, and Turkey

Hello, all! It is wonderful to get this chance to blog together. Is this just a family issues blog, or an open forum for civil discussion of whatever happens to cross our minds at the moment?

The Mills and Hodson families have done very well this Thanksgiving. The turkey, as usual, did not survive the experience, but the rest of us are happy and healthy. There was plenty of cranberry sauce to go around, and some even made it to become the sauce in roll, sauce, and turkey sandwiches. (We stocked up.) Cynthia and kids even visited the Hodsons recently enough that we'd all gotten over the quick illnesses that usually come up. With any luck, there'll be none that come up after the Hodsons go home tomorrow, either.

We our Christmas stuff up today. It's been fun to have all the kids around, because they wear each other out and generally play pretty well together. They also helped put up the tree.

Frist Post

I am pleased to welcome this new innovation in family communication. We have had a wonderful Thanksgiving with Natalie, Karl and Calvin. Natalie is, as she says, very round, and emotionally ready to have her baby. It has also been a joy to see Caralee & Mike & Family. Their kids are surely growing up. My only personal news is that we bought a new (to us) car to replace the Chrysler, which is on its last legs (legs?). Tanya doesnt like it (read: hates it) because she says it's too small, but I did get 37.7 miles per gallon driving up here, which in the days of $3+ gasoline, is not a bad thing. I hope you will all avail yourselves of this new opportunity to stay in touch as a family. Love, Dad

Frist Post!!!!

Oh man! I got beat by my mother in law. :-)

Welcome to the blog all.

K/\/\ort D

First Post

Hi everybody!

I have created this blog (with some assistance from Karl), and I am inviting you to contribute. I envision this to be a place where we can easily share pictures, links, sound, and news about our families.

If you already blog, feel free to add links to your blogs instead of dual-posting. As always, you are invited, but not required.

We love you all and hope this will help us be better informed with what's going on in each other's lives and families.
(if you label your posts with your name, it might help. :-)